Let's BAND together
Behind every song, there's a story. After every concert, there are tales to be told. On Sound Proof, I find the stories musicians hide in their lyrics and the ones they only tell their best friends. And you can eavesdrop, you can be my "best friend" when we tape 12 new episodes of Sound Proof over the next four weeks.
On November 12th, 13th and 14th — and again on December 3rd, 4th and 5th — you are invited to join me at Victory Studios for jam-packed evenings of jams and conversations that gel. Guests on those three nights include: Mike Dumovich, Whitney Monge, Staxx Brothers, The Young Evils, SweetKiss Momma and Blake Noble. Ten bucks gets you in the door for the night, granting you a seat for two concerts and two talks with beer on tap, room to dance and enough good times to make you shout: Dyn-O-Mite! Click here for tickets and particulars plus December's roster of stars.
Sound Proof is a new series to complement Band In Seattle which has already been airing for a year on the CW11 and via Qello.com. Check out past episodes or be part of the show's future today. The proof is in the Sound. Are you listening?